Friday, July 24, 2009

Disney Company falls on hard times.

So in the troubled times that we are all facing it would appear that the Disney company is no different from any other. In a recent brain storming session executives were told that they had to come up with "Out of the box" ideas that would contribute to the financial turn around of the company in the following fiscal year. They were told that "there are no stupid ideas" and that "no stone should go unturned." With that said, here are the notes from that meeting.

Moderator: Thank you all for attending our latest financial recovery session.
We are going to take a quick spin around the room and see what ideas you all have come up with.
Ok lets start over here on my left. You sir, what do you have?

Executive #1: "Disney After Dark" an adult only Disney Channel.
We will be taking our beloved flag ship characters and start making Adult films with them.

Examples of such films will be:
Mickey and Pluto in "Doggie-Style" and inter-species erotica film.

Minnie and Daisy in "Birds of a Feather" a lovely tail of two lonely ladies and a lesbian experience gone wrong.

Daisy and Donald in "Put it on my Bill" a very touching story of duck on duck fecalfelia.

Also this should not be kept to only the animated characters, the Disney Company owns the rights to many popular live action characters and shows also. I'm thinking Jonas Brothers Gang bang.

