Monday, April 20, 2009

Bruin's up 3 games to none over Montreal...

The Canadiens go quietly into the dark of a Montreal Monday night, down 3 -0 in the series as the Bruins take the game 4-2. The crowd of 21000+ classless fans started the night by booing the US National Anthem and got the chance to end the night by booing the hapless players of the once mighty Canadiens. Ole ole ole ole, go shit in your hat Habs Fans!!!

Back in the U S S A

Ok it should just be Back in the USA but the Beatles never wrote that song so I had to improvise.
Sitting back on the couch and hanging out watching the Bruins try to put the Canadiens down 3 -0 in the series, still a little sore from the hockey tournament this weekend, still tired and I think my liver just yelled at me for drinking as much as I did this weekend but over all it was a great weekend. Had some time to just hang out with some good friends and play hockey. Not good hockey, in fact the first game of the tournament may have been the worst game I have ever personally played but it was hockey and not matter how bad, it's still better than a good day at work.